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Long time friend of Miami Yoga Room, Kate Blaszanyik, is going through a tough time right now, succumbing to multiple illnesses with little or no treatment options. Unfortunately for Kate, she is unable to live a full and independent life, which is why we are organising a small gathering in her name, where we can connect, communicate and create something to give her. We also ask that you consider donating to her ‘go fund me’ page, which will help cover the costs of assisted living. Read on below

Hi, we are fundraising for our bright and optimistic friend and mother Kate Blaszanyik whose life 12 months ago took a drastic turn as she succumbed to the complexities of invisible illnesses.

Previously Kate was thriving professionally, building upon her education, involved in the community, social, active and healthy. Autoimmune disease, POTS, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Nutcracker Syndrome, MALS Syndrome and Jugular Syndrome combined to confine Kate to her home and bed.

Physically, each condition inflicts its own torment: POTS causing orthostatic intolerance, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome leading to nerve compression, Nutcracker Syndrome causing renal vein compression and congestion in the pelvis, MALS resulting in abdominal pain and chronic nausea and, Jugular Syndrome complicating blood flow between the neck and the brain. Kate's mobility has dwindled and daily functionality has slowly faded. Isolating her to her home, unable to do the simplest of tasks- cooking, cleaning and driving.

Despite modern medicine, treatment options remain scarce, leaving Kate trapped in a body besieged by invisible adversities that do not fit within the medical arc of diagnosis, treatment, cure. All of this coming together and depicting the bleak reality of modern disability.

We ask for your assistance to help Kate to continue to laugh loudly, sparkle and glow. Any contributions would be used to support day to day living expenses, medical bills and to explore more natural and alternate therapies and before she gets approved for NDIS which covers standard living expenses and basic medical.